Creative Insights

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The 4 things we all need to remember when learning new skills

To be successful, when we set out to learn a new skill, requires courage, patience and repetition. A little encouragement can also go a long way!

When did you last allow yourself the space and time to practice a new skill?

Twelve months ago my daughter was too frightened to go down a long slope on her scooter.

Now she’s as cool as a cucumber.

When learning any new skill, remember The 4 Stages Of Learning

1️⃣ Unconscious incompetence

2️⃣ Conscious incompetence

3️⃣ Conscious competency

4️⃣ Unconscious competency

It’s easy to give up at Stage 2.

This is when we realise how incompetent we are.

Trust me, it’s not personal.

When we trust that a breakthrough is on the way, and continue to practice, we’ll experience Stage 3.

Once you’re there, you’re one step away from being unconsciously competent.

This is when we can do things without having to think about them.

Think Picasso.

And Whitney Houston.

It’s the secret behind every creative breakthrough and success story.

It’s also the same process that sports women and men go through.

As well as every skilled trades person and entrepreneur.

So, the next time that you set out to learn something new, remember these four stages.

You’ll find yourself making great strides forward.

Cool as a cucumber.